Mini-Review: Christmas Story (Joulutarina, 2007)


Christmas Story (2007)

Not to be confused with the American Christmas standard, Christmas Story is a well-intentioned, surprisingly mature take on how the legend of Santa Claus was built. Telling the story of Nicholas from childhood to old age we see how the events of his life inspire his mission. It’s a story that kid’s who have cut their teeth on Disney films and some of the more honest family films will likely be able to enjoy.

For parents who may have to partake in the viewing experience with their kids there are some things that will need to be toughed out. The first being the obviously lamentable, but ultimately understandable decision to present this film in North America dubbed. In the past I have come to the defense of dubbing and have seen well done dubbing. However, this is not one of those occasions. It’s not as destructive as the dub track to House by the Cemetery (I beg you watch it with Italian audio, it’s worlds better) but it’s still no help.

Which leads neatly into the next problem. Some of the early writing and performance, from a then-antagonist is highly tedious and then the prescribed change of hear comes after a turn on a dime.

The cinematography and sets are among some of the highlights in this film.

If your holiday-viewing diet consists of holiday appearances by animated characters, Hallmark films, and other such fluff than this is definitely a more substantial take than that. However, even in the very small true-tale-of-santa-claus subgenre it’s ultimately a bit lacking in the end.
