Short Film Saturday: The Show (1922)

There are a few interesting things to note about The Show. Firstly, this is a silent and solo appearance by Oliver Hardy. I know both he and Stan Laurel both worked in the silent era, but they only truly excelled with one another and after the inception of sound.

Hardy does fine but is not nearly as dynamic silent as he is with audio. The lead is Larry Semon, though it seems at times in silent comedies that the gags were the star rather than the actors. The gags in this film are great and kept me laughing pretty consistently.

Lastly, the reason I even knew of this short is because I recently read a wonderful memoir called The Keystone Kid. In it author Coy Watson, Jr. chronicles his childhood in Edendale, CA; (Where the first west coast studios were established), the exploits of his father, Coy, Sr., an ingenious behind the scenes man most noted for being the first wire technician in films; as well as his own and those of his siblings who all acted. In an appendix there are descriptions, photos and a filmography. I have been in search of many of them and this is the first I found.

His entrance in this short is noticeable. He is part of a family who is frugal and creative when it comes to theatregoing. Enjoy!