By Any Means Necessary

With almost as many release paths as there are films now it’s more important than ever to explore all possible avenues of viewership to see as wide a variety of films as you can. It is this way you will most likely find films you like.

Movie Theatres

Clearly this is the first option, however, I suggest you have a few in your regular rotation. Multiplexes will be more expensive and offer fewer choices than art houses. Having a few theatres to frequent will offer a wider viewing experience.


If you can swing both the streaming and disc package it offers you the widest variety and frequently streaming is lackin but use Instant Watcher to keep track of new streaming options.

Other Services

Other services for Discs and/or streaming include: Facets, Vudu, Mubi Fandor and Amazon.


One will charge you less overages but are the best DVD-based option for those who are fans of instant gratification.


This is a resource you constantly need to check because at times movies will be available pre-release and/or during release only.

DVD of the Month Club

A few independent distributors offer you a selection a month or so for a flat rate, two that I know of are Film Movement and Oscilloscope Labs.

Foreign Regions

Not all DVDs from overseas are off limits. In fact, depending on if you have a region free player or if you want to set a computer to a different region (there are usually a set number of changes) you can watch anything you want.


Two things need saying here: one, you need to be the kind that might buy something sight unseen to find something new. Second, if you are occassionally you’ll find something unique either in a retail store or online.

Public Library

It may not be the go to place for new releases but my local library does get titles from Film Movement, or they did at a time. Regardless I have found great movies I didn’t know about or classics I had yet to see. And it is free after all.

Keeping Tabs

Lastly, if you read a lot and keep up on films it may be hard to keep track of all the upcoming films where you can see them and when. This year I plan on using Go Watch It this year to track what I want to see. It’s a great one stop queue wherein it’ll tell you where a given film is available to watch.