BAM Awards: Special Jury Awards

Every so often over the years I’ve had occasion to award Special Jury Prizes for certain films for miscellaneous je nes sais quoi that can’t always be pigeonholed into one category. While I may be a jury of one I can will expand and give an additional award when I see fit.

This post is the only one on the site that collects all past Special Jury Prizes.


For Kino Maquee a virtual cinema platform that has helped 150 arthouses during the pandemic.


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

When I was young, in my teens most likely (based on how it looked in my mind) I daydreamed about death being no obstacle to a casting decision. Is a Ghost-Peter Cushing ready to headline a film? No, but knowing it would be there, it still had me in the first scene and I was surprised that they went there so much. It is marvelous.


Debra Paget, For Example


wins this award for exemplary for artistry of the video essay, and the best short of 2016. It was previously reviewed here.

This film is available to view on Fandor.


Scenes at Hillsborough FA Cup Semi Final match Liverpool v Notts Forest 15th April 1989 (Mirror)

Best Documentaries

To Dance Like a Man and Hillsborough

To Dance Like a Man (2011, First Run Features)

This year I decided against having a fully-fledged nomination process for Best Documentary owing to the fact that I just didn’t watch enough to warrant it. However, there were two that stood out that deserved special commendations. First, perhaps the most powerful film ESPN has produced for the 30 for 30 series: Hillsborough, which chronicles one of the most disastrous tragedy at a football (soccer) match ever and the fall out of it. Secondly, To Dance Like a Man which documents the training of three triplets in Cuba where ballet has a long standing tradition, where male dancers are renowned and prized. It’s also the film of the two that could be a call to action for young people watching that ballet does need them to be able to continue to thrive.

Best Short Film


Duet (2014, Glen Keane)

There usually is a short that I find during the year that is good enough to honor here. This year I will do so for one very special metamorphic piece of animation I previously featured on Short Film Saturday. It’s quite short yet the reaction it elicits is powerful and nearly immediate. Enjoy!


I tracked possibilities here. I didn’t award any. I should have.


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001, Warner Bros.)

This year spawned a post of its own as I awarded two prizes one for the Short Film The Confession and another for The Harry Potter Franchise.

My specific thoughts on both can be found here.


They were listed as TBA in the nominations but I didn’t end up awarding any.


The Exorcist (1973, Warner Bros.)

Not yet called Jury Awards but rather Special Achievement awards I awarded two: one for the re-release of The Exorcist and another to Billy Elliot.

My thoughts on that occasion can be found here.